The Great Green Charter Of Human Rights Of The Jamahiriyan Era

قانون رقم 20 لسنة 1991 م بشأن تعزيز الحرية

مؤتمر الشعب العام

تنفيذا ً لقرارات المؤتمرات الشعبية الأساسية في دور انعقادها العادي الثاني لسنة 1397 و.ر الموافق 1988 م والتي صاغها الملتقى العام للمؤتمرات الشعبية واللجان الشعبية ( مؤتمر الشعب العام ) في دور انعقاده العادي الخامس عشر في الفترة من 25 رجب إلى 2 شعبان 1398 و.ر الموافق من 2 المريخ إلى 1989 م ، وقرارات المؤتمرات الشعبية الأساسية في دور انعقادها العادي الثاني لعام 1400 و.ر الموافق 1990 م والتي صاغها الملتقى العام للمؤتمرات الشعبية واللجان الشعبية والنقابات والاتحادات والروابط المهنية ( مؤتمر الشعب العام ) في دور انعقاده العادي في الفترة من 29 ذي القعدة إلى 5 من ذي الحجة 1400 و.ر الموافق 11 إلى 17 من شهر الصيف 1991 م.
وبعد الاطلاع على إعلان قيام سلطة الشعب .
وعلى الوثيقة الخضراء الكبرى لحقوق الإنسان في عصر الجماهير .
وعلى المواثيق والعهود الدولية لحقوق الإنسان وحرياته الأساسية .
وعلى القانون رقم (9) لسنة 84 م في شأن تنظيم المؤتمرات الشعبية .
وعلى قرارات المؤتمرات الشعبية والتجمعات بالخارج .
صيغ القانون الآتي :

مادة (1)
المواطنون في الجماهيرية العظمى – ذكورا ً وأناثا ً ، أحرار متساوون في الحقوق لا يجوز المساس بحقوقهم .

مادة (2)
لكل مواطن الحق في ممارسة السلطة وتقرير مصيره في المؤتمرات الشعبية واللجان الشعبية ، ولا يجوز حرمانه من عضويتها أو من الاختيار لأماناتها متى توافرت الشروط المقررة لذلك.

مادة (3)
الدفاع عن الوطن حق وشرف ، لا يجوز أن يحرم منه أي مواطن أو مواطنة .

مادة (4)
الحياة حق طبيعي لكل إنسان ، فلا يجوز تطبيق عقوبة الإعدام إلا قصاصاً، أو على من تشكل حياته خطراً أو فسادا ً للمجتمع .
ويحق للجاني طلب تخفيف العقوبة بأنواع من الفدية مقابل الحفاظ على حياته ، ويجوز للمحكمة قبول ذلك ما لم يكن ذلك ضارا ً بالمجتمع أو منافيا ً للشعور الإنساني .

مادة (5)
الدين علاقة مباشرة مع الخالق دون وسيط ، ومحرم ادعاء احتكار الدين أو استغلاله في أي غرض.

مادة (6)
سلامة البدن حق لكل إنسان ويحظر إجراء التجارب العلمية على جسد إنسان حي إلا بتطوعه .

مادة (7)
التعامل المعادي للمجتمع مع الخارج خيانة كبرى .

مادة (8)
لكل مواطن الحق في التعبير عن آرائه و أفكاره والجهر بها في المؤتمرات الشعبية وفي وسائل الاعلام الجماهيرية ، ولا يُسأل المواطن عن ممارسة هذا الحق إلا اذا استغله للنيل من سلطة الشعب أو لأغراض شخصية .
وتحظر الدعوة للأفكار والآراء سرا ً أو محاولة نشرها أو فرضها على الغير بالاغراء أو بالقوة أو بالإرهاب أو بالتزييف .

مادة (9)
المواطنون أحرار في إنشاء النقابات والاتحادات والروابط المهنية والاجتماعية والجمعيات الخيرية والانضام إليها لحماية مصالحهم أو تحقيق الأغراض المشروعة التي أنشئت من أجلها .

مادة (10)
مواطن حر في اختيار العمل الذي يناسبه بمفرده أو بالمشاركة مع غيره دون استغلال لجهد الغير ودون أن يلحق ضررا ً ماديا ً أو معنويا ً بالآخرين .

مادة (11)
لكل مواطن الحق في التمتع بنتاج عمله ولا يجوز الاقتطاع من ناتج العمل الا بمقدار ما يفرضه القانون للمساهمة في الأعباء العامة أو نظير ما يقدمه إليه المجتمع من خدمات .

مادة (12)
الملكية الخاصة مقدسة يحظر المساس بها إذا كانت ناتجة عن سبب مشروع ودون استغلال للآخرين ودون الاضرار بهم ماديا ً أو معنويا ً ، ويحظر استخدامها بشكل مناف للنظام والآداب العامة ، ولا يجوز نزع الملكية الخاصة إلا لأغراض المنفعة العامة ولقاء تعويض عادل .

مادة (13)
لكل مواطن حق في الانتفاع بالأرض طيلة حياته وحياة ورثته شغلا ً وزراعة ورعيا ً لإشباع حاجاته في حدود جهده ودون استغلال للغير ، ولا يجوز حرمانه من هذا الحق إلا إذا تسبب في إفساد تلك الأرض أو عطل استغلالها .

مادة (14)
لا يجوز سلب أو تقييد حرية أي إنسان أو تفتيشه أو استجوابه إلا في حالة اتهامه بارتكاب فعل معاقب عليه قانونا ً وبأمر من جهة قضائية مختصة وفي الأحوال والمدد المبينة في القانون .
ويكون العزل الاحتياطي في مكان معلوم يحضر به ذوو المتهم ولأقصر مدة لازمة للتحقيق وحفظ الدليل .

مادة (15)
سرية المراسلات مكفولة ، فلا تجوز مراقبتها إلا في أحوال ضيقة تقتضيها ضرورات أمن المجتمع وبعد الحصول على إذن بذلك من جهة قضائية .

مادة (16)
للحياة الخاصة حرمة ، ويحظر التدخل فيها إلا إذا شكلت مساسا ً بالنظام والآداب العامة أو ضررا ً بالآخرين أو إذا اشتكى أحد أطرافها .

مادة (17)
المتهم بريء إلى أن تثبت إدانته بحكم قضائي ، ومع ذلك يجوز اتخاذ الإجراءات القانونية ضده ما دام متهما ً . ويحظر إخضاع المتهم لأي نوع من أنواع التعذيب الجسدي أو النفسي أو معاملته بصورة قاسية أو مهينة أو ماسة بالكرامة الإنسانية .

مادة (18)
تستهدف العقوبة الإصلاح والتقويم والتأهيل والتربية والتأديب والعظة .

مادة (19)
للمساكن حرمة فلا يجوز دخولها أو مراقبتها أو تفتيشها إلا إذا استغلت في إخفاء جريمة أو إيواء مجرمين أو للضرر بالآخرين ماديا ً أو معنويا ً أو إذا استخدمت لأغراض منافية للآداب والتقاليد الاجتماعية بشكل ظاهر ، وفي غير حالات التلبس والاستغاثة لا يجوز دخول البيوت إلا بإذن من جهة مختصة بذلك قانونا ً .

مادة (20)
لكل مواطن وقت السلم حرية التنقل واختيار مكان إقامته ، وله مغادرة الجماهيرية العظمى والعودة إليها متى شاء .
واستثناء من حكم الفقرة السابقة يجوز للمحكمة المختصة إصدار أوامر منع مؤقتة من مغادرة الجماهيرية العظمى .

مادة (21)
الجماهيرية العظمى ملاذ المضطهدين والمناضلين في سبيل الحرية فلا يجوز تسليم اللاجئين منهم لحماها إلى أية جهة .

مادة (22)
حرية الاختراع والابتكار والإبداع مكفولة في حدود النظام والآداب العامة ما لم تكـن ضارة ماديا ً أو معنويا ً.

مادة (23)
لكل مواطن الحق في التعليم والمعرفة واختيار العلم الذي يناسبه ويحظر احتكار المعرفة أو تزييفها لأي سبب .

مادة (24)
لكل مواطن الحق في الرعاية الاجتماعية والضمان الاجتماعي ، فالمجتمع ولي من لا ولي له يحمي المحتاجين والمسنين والعجزة واليتامى ويضمن لغير القادرين على العمل لأسباب خارجة عن إرادتهم وسائل العيش الكريم .

مادة (25)
لكل مواطن ومواطنة الحق في تكوين أسرة أساسها عقد النكاح القائم على رضا الطرفين ولا ينحل إلا برضاهما أو بحكم من محكمة مختصة .

مادة (26)
الحضانة حق الأم ما دامت أهلاً لذلك فلا يجوز حرمان الأم من أطفالها وحرمان الأطفال من أمهم .

مادة (27)
للمرأة الحاضنة حق البقاء في بيت الزوجية مدة الحضانة ، وللرجل حق الاحتفاظ بممتلكاته الشخصية .
ولا يجوز أن يتخذ البيت أو محتوياته أو جزء منه مقابلا ً للطلاق أو الخلع أو داخلا ً في تقديرات مؤخر الصداق .

مادة (28)
للمرأة الحق في العمل الذي يناسبها وألا توضع في موضع يضطرها للعمل بما لا يناسب طبيعتها .

مادة (29)
يحظر استخدام الأطفال في مزاولة أعمال لا تناسب قدراتهم أو تعوق نموهم الطبيعي أو تلحق الضرر بأخلاقهم أو صحتهم سواء كان ذلك من طرف ذويهم أو غيرهم .

مادة (30)

لكل شخص الحق في الالتجاء إلى القضاء وفقاً للقانون،وتؤمن له المحكمة كافة الضمانات اللازمة بما فيها المحامي وله حق الاستعانة بمحام يختاره من خارج المحكمة ويتحمل نفقته.

مادة (31)
القضاة مستقلون لا سلطان عليهم في إحكامهم لغير القانون

مادة (32)

لا يجوز لأي جهة عامة تجاوز اختصاصها والتدخل في أمور غير مكلفة بها، كما لايجوز لأي جهة التدخل في شؤون الضبط القضائي إلا إذا كانت مخولة بذلك قانوناً.

مادة (33)

الأموال والمرافق العامة ملك للمجتمع ، فلا يجوز استخدامها في غير الوجوه المخصصة لها من طرف الشعب.

والوظيفة العامة خدمة للمجتمع ، يحظر استغلالها واستعمال الصفة المستمدة منها لتحقيق أغراض غير مشروعة.

مادة (34)

لا تخضع الحقوق الواردة في هذا القانون للتقادم أو الانتقاص ولا التنازل عنها.

مادة (35)

أحكام هذا القانون أساسية ، ولا يجوز أن يصدر ما يخالفها ، ويعدل كل ما يتعارض معها من تشريعات.

مادة (36)

يفقد التمتع بمزايا هذا القانون كل شخص استعمل طريقة غير قانونية في تحقيق أغراضه.

مادة (37)

يعاقب على الأفعال المجرمة طبقاً لأحكام هذا القانون بالعقوبات المنصوص عليها في قانون العقوبات والقوانين المكملة له التي تصدر تطبيقاً لأحكام الوثيقة الخضراء الكبرى لحقوق الإنسان في عصر الجماهير.

مادة (38)

ينشر هذا القانون في الجريدة الرسمية وفي وسائل الإعلام المختلفة، ويعمل به من تاريخ نشره في الجريدة الرسمية.

مؤتمر الشعب العام
صدر في :22 صفر 1401 و.ر
الموافق : 1 الفاتح 1991 م

In answer to your free will, fulfilling your dearest wishes, welcoming your constant requests for change and eruption as well as your desire for action and enterprise, listening to your calls to revolt, your armed forces have undertaken to overthrow the reactionary and corrupted regime whose stench suffocated and whose vision horrified us. In a single blow, your valiant army has upset the idols and smashed their effigies. In a single stroke, it has illuminated the dark night in which succeeded one another, first the Turkish and Italian domination, then finally, that of a reactionary and rotten regime where reigned concussion, fractions, felony and treachery. From now on, Libya is a free and sovereign republic, named the Libyan Arab Republic which, by the grace of God is setting herself to work. She will go forward on the path of freedom, union and social justice, guaranteeing each of her sons/daughters the right to equality, and opening before them the door of honest work, from which shall be banished injustice and exploitation, and where no one shall be either master or servant, where everyone shall be free brothers, within a society where shall prosperity and quality, by the grace of God. Give us your hands, open your hearts to us, forget all adversities and make front molded in a single block against the enemy of the Arab nation, the enemy of Islam, the enemy of humanity, who set our sanctuaries afire, and flouted our honour. Thus shall we build our glory, revive our inheritance, vindicate our ravaged dignity and the rights we were deprived of. Oh! You, who witnessed the sacred struggle of our hero Omar Al Mukthar for Libya, for Arabism and for Islam Oh! You, who fought alongside Ahmed Al-Sherif for a just ideal; you sons of the desert; you sons of our ancient cities; you sons of our green countryside; you sons of our beautiful villages; the time for work has arrived. Let us go forward! At this juncture, I am pleased to tell our foreign friends that they must fear neither for their properties nor for their lives. They are under the protection of the armed forces. Moreover, I wish they would rest assured that our present undertaking is directed neither against nor against any acknowledged international treaty of international law. This is an exclusively domestic affair concerning Libya and her endemic problems. Forward then and peace be with you.

Democracy means popular power, not popular expression. The members of the Jamahiriya society proclaim that power belongs to the people. The people exercise this power directly, without intermediary or representative, within the Popular Congresses and the popular Committees.

The members of Jamahiriya society hold sacred the life of the individual and protect it. They prohibit his alienation. Imprisonment may be used only against an individual whose freedom represents a danger or a contamination for others. The goal of any punishment is cleansing of society, protection of its values and its interests. Jamahiriya society proscribes any punishment that would violate the dignity and the integrity of a human being, such as forced labor or long term imprisonment. Jamahiriya society prohibits any and all injuries, whether physical or moral, against the person of a prisoner. It condemns any and all speculations and experiments, whatever their nature, to which he might be subjected. A punishment is personal and is to be suffered by an individual as a consequence of a criminal act upon which it is necessarily contingent. The punishment and its consequences cannot be extended to the parents and relatives of the criminal. Each soul earned only on its own account, not doth any laden bear another’s load.

The members of Jamahiriya society are, in times pf peace, free to travel wherever they please and free to choose their place of residence.

Citizenship in Jamahiriya society is a sacred right. No one may be deprived or deprived or dispossessed of it.

The members of Jamahiriya society prohibit clandestine action, resorting to force in all its forms, violence, terrorism and sabotage. Such acts constitute a betrayal of the values and principles of Jamahiriya society which affirms the sovereignty of the individual within the Basic Popular Congresses, thereby guaranteeing him the right to publicly express his opinion. They reject violence as a means intended to dictate ideas and opinions.

They adopt the democratic dialogue as the one and only method of debate, and consider any hostile act against Jamahiriya society, whatever it may be, and connected with a foreign entity, as high treason towards it.

The members of Jamahiriya society are free to form association, trade unions and leagues in order to defend their professional interests.

The members of Jamahiriya society are free in their private acts and their personal relationships. No one may interfere with their privacy save in the event of a complaint from one of the partners involved, or if the act or the relationship are harmful or prejudicial to society or are conflicting with its values.

The members of the Jamahiriya society hold sacred the life of a human being and protect it. The goal of Jamahiriya society is to abolish capital punishment. In view of this, the death penalty should only be ruled against an individual whose very existence constitutes a danger or is deleterious to society. The condemned man may request a mitigation of his sentence or he may, in compensation for his life, offer a personal tribute.

The court may commute the sentence if this decision is neither prejudicial to society nor conflicting with human values. The members of Jamahiriya society condemn the enforcement of capital punishment through loathsome methods, such as the electric chair, toxic gas or injections.

Jamahiriya society guarantees the right to pleas before court and the independence of justice. Each of its members is entitled to a fair and honest trial.

The members of Jamahiriya society base their judgments on a sacred law: religion or custom, whose provisions are lasting and unalterable, and for which no other law may substitute. They proclaim that religion is absolute faith in the Divinity, and that is a sacred spiritual value. Religion is personal to each one and common to all. It is a direct relationship with the Creator, without any intermediary. Jamahiriya society proscribes the monopoly of religion as well as its exploitation for purposes of subversion, fanaticism, sectarianism, partisan spirit and fratricidal wars.

Jamahiriya society guarantees the right of work. This is a right and a duty for and a duty for everyone, within the limits of his own personal efforts or in association with others. Each member of the society is entitled to practice the profession of his choice. Jamahiriya society is a society of partners and not of wage-earners. Property, which is fruit of much labor, is sacred and protected; it may not be touched save in the public interest and against fair compensation. Jamahiriya society is free from wage-earning slavery and asserts the right of each worker to his labor and his production. Only he, who produces, may consume.

The members of Jamahiriya society are liberated from any feudalism. Land is the property of no one. Each one has the right to farm it and to derive profit from it through labor, agriculture or breeding during his lifetime and the lives of his heirs, within the limits of his own efforts and the fulfillment of his needs.

The members of Jamahiriya society are free from any rental fees. A house belongs to the one who dwells in it. It enjoys a sacred immunity, in the respect of neighborhood rights, the rights of your close or faraway neighbors. The dwelling may not be used for purposes harmful to society.

Jamahiriya society is one of solidarity. It ensures to every one of its members a dignified and prosperous life, it provides them with high quality health care so that it may become a healthy society. And it guarantees the protection and care of childhood, motherhood, old age and of the handicapped. Jamahiriya society is the guardian of all those without protection.

Instruction and knowledge are natural rights of each and everyone. Any individual is entitled to select his instruction and the knowledge that neither suits him, without restrictions nor forced guidance.

Jamahiriya society is a society of the good and noble values. It hold human ideals and principles sacred. It ultimate purpose is a humanitarian society from which aggression, war, exploitation and terrorism will be banished, and where no difference will subsist between the powerful and the powerless. All nations, all peoples and all national communities have the right to live freely, according to their choices and the principles of self-determination. They have the right to establish their national entity. Minorities have the right to safeguard their own entity and heritage. The legitimate aspirations of those minorities cannot be repressed. Minorities may not either be forcefully assimilated within one or several nations or national communities.

The members of Jamahiriya society affirm the right of everyone to share in the benefits, advantages, values and principles which are the fruit of harmony, cohesion, unity, affinity and affection among the family, the tribe, the nation and mankind. To this end, the members of Jamahiriya society are working to establish the natural national entity of their nation and support all these who are fighting to achieve this same goal. They reject any and all segregation between men, whether based on color, race, creed and culture.

The members of Jamahiriya society protect freedom. They defend it throughout the world. They support the oppressed, and incite all peoples to face injustice, oppression, explanation and colonialism. They encourage them to fight imperialist, racism and fascism, in accordance with the principle of the collective struggle of people against the enemies of freedom.

Jamahiriya society is one of splendor and fulfillment. It guarantees everyone the right of thought, of creation and innovation. Jamahiriya society is working towards the development of sciences, arts and humanities. It ensures their dissemination among the popular masses so as to prevent their monopoly.

The members of Jamahiriya society affirm the sacred right of man to be born into a cohesive family where motherhood, fatherhood and brotherhood are offered to him. The development of a human being conforms to its own nature only if it is the fruit of natural maternity and nursing. A child must be raised by his mother.

The members of Jamahiriya society, whether men or women, are equal in every human respect. The distinction of rights between men and women is a flagrant injustice that nothing whatsoever can justify. They proclaim that marriage is an equitable association between two equal partners. No one may be occurred into a marriage contract, or divorce except by mutual consent or after a fair judgment. It is unjust to deprive children of their mother and the mother of her home.

The members of Jamahiriya society consider servants to be the modern age slaves, human beings enslaved by their masters. No law governs their situation and no guarantees or protections are afforded them. They live under the despotism of their master, they are the victims of this tyranny, in order to survive they are compelled by necessity to accomplish work that insults their dignity and their human feelings. In view of this, Jamahiriya society proscribes the hiring of servants in the homes. A house should be maintained by its owners.

The members of Jamahiriya society are convinced that peace among nations can ensure them prosperity, abundance and harmony. They call for an end to the arms trade and to their manufacturing for exporting purposes. The arms industry constitutes a squandering of the wealth of societies, an increase of the individual tax burden, a propagation of destruction and annihilations throughout the world.

The members of Jamahiriya society call for suppression of nuclear, bacteriological and chemical weapons, as well as of any other means of massive extermination and destruction. They call for the elimination of all existing stocks, for the preservation of mankind against the dangers represented by the waste from nuclear power plants.

The members of Jamahiriya society pledge to protect their society as well as the political system based on popular power. They further pledge to safeguard its values, principles and interests. They regard collective defense as the only means of preserve these. They consider that the defense of their society is the responsibility of each and every citizen, man and woman. None can find a substituted in the face of death.

The members of Jamahiriya society are committed to the bases laid out by this Charter. They shall not permit that it be violated and they shall refrain from committing any act conflicting with the principles and rights that it guarantees. Each member is entitled to plead his case before a court of law to request legal redress against any violation of the rights and liberties set forth by this Charter.

The members of Jamahiriya society proudly offer to the world the Green Book, the guide and path towards emancipation and the achievement of freedom. They announce to the popular masses the advent of a New Era from which corrupted regimes will be banished and all traces of tyranny and exploitation eradicated.

The General People’s Congress of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
Baida, on 28 Chawal 1397 after the Prophet’s death 12 Assayf/June 1988/

Version: June 2011
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The Great Green Charter of Human Rights of the Jamahiriyan Era

In answer to your free will, fulfilling your dearest wishes, welcoming your constant requests for change and eruption as well as your desire for action and enterprise, listening to your calls to revolt, your armed forces have undertaken to overthrow the reactionary and corrupted regime whose stench suffocated and whose vision horrified us. In a single blow, your valiant army has upset the idols and smashed their effigies. In a single stroke, it has illuminated the dark night in which succeeded one another, first the Turkish and Italian domination, then finally, that of a reactionary and rotten regime where reigned concussion, fractions, felony and treachery. From now on, Libya is a free and sovereign republic, named the Libyan Arab Republic which, by the grace of God is setting herself to work. She will go forward on the path of freedom, union and social justice, guaranteeing each of her sons/daughters the right to equality, and opening before them the door of honest work, from which shall be banished injustice and exploitation, and where no one shall be either master or servant, where everyone shall be free brothers, within a society where shall prosperity and quality, by the grace of God. Give us your hands, open your hearts to us, forget all adversities and make front molded in a single block against the enemy of the Arab nation, the enemy of Islam, the enemy of humanity, who set our sanctuaries afire, and flouted our honor. Thus shall we build our glory, revive our inheritance, vindicate our ravaged dignity and the rights we were deprived of. Oh! You, who witnessed the sacred struggle of our hero Omar Al Mukthar for Libya, for Arabism and for Islam Oh! You, who fought alongside Ahmed Al-Sherif for a just ideal; you sons of the desert; you sons of our ancient cities; you sons of our green countryside; you sons of our beautiful villages; the time for work has arrived. Let us go forward! At this juncture, I am pleased to tell our foreign friends that they must fear neither for their properties nor for their lives. They are under the protection of the armed forces. Moreover, I wish they would rest assured that our present undertaking is directed neither against nor against any acknowledged international treaty of international law. This is an exclusively domestic affair concerning Libya and her endemic problems. Forward then, and peace be with you.

Democracy means popular power, not popular expression. The members of Jamahiriyan society proclaim that power belongs to the people. The people exercise this power directly, without intermediary nor representative, within the Popular Congresses and the People’s Committees.

The members of Jamahiriyan society hold sacred the life of the individual and protect it. They prohibit his alienation. Imprisonment may be used only against an individual whose freedom represents a danger or a contamination for others. The goal of any punishment is cleansing of society, protection of its values and its interests. Jamahiriyan society proscribes any punishment that would violate the dignity and the integrity of a human being, such as forced labor or long term imprisonment. Jamahiriyan society prohibits any and all injuries, whether physical or moral, against the person of a prisoner. It condemns any and all speculations and experiments, whatever their nature, to which he might be subjected. A punishment is personal and is to be suffered by an individual as a consequence of a criminal act upon which it is necessarily contingent. The punishment and its consequences cannot be extended to the parents and relatives of the criminal. Each soul earneth only on its own account, not doth any laden bear another’s load.

The members of Jamahiriyan society are, in times pf peace, free to travel wherever they please and free to choose their place of residence.

Citizenship in Jamahiriyan society is a sacred right. No one may be deprived or deprived or dispossessed of it.

The members of Jamahiriyan society prohibit clandestine action, resorting to Force in all its forms, violence, terrorism and sabotage. Such acts constitute a betrayal of the values and principles of Jamahiriyan society which affirms the sovereignty of the individual within the Basic Popular Congresses, thereby guaranteeing him the right to publicly express his opinion. They reject violence as a means intended to dictate ideas and opinions.

They adopt the democratic dialogue as the one and only method of debate, and consider any hostile act against Jamahiriyan society, whatever it may be, and connected with a foreign entity, as high treason towards it.

The members of Jamahiriyan society are free to form association, trade unions and leagues in order to defend their professional interests.

The members of Jamahiriyan society are free in their private acts and their personal relationships. No one may interfere with their privacy save in the event of a complaint from one of the partners involved, or if the act or the relationship are harmful or prejudicial to society or are conflicting with its values.

The members of the Jamahiriyan society hold sacred the life of a human being and protect it. The goal of Jamahiriyan society is to abolish capital punishment. In view of this, the death penalty should only be ruled against an individual whose very existence constitutes a danger or is deleterious to society. The condemned man may request a mitigation of his sentence or he may, in compensation for his life, offer a personal tribute.

The court may commute the sentence if this decision is neither prejudicial to society nor conflicting with human values. The members of Jamahiriyan society condemn the enforcement of capital punishment through loathsome methods, such as the electric chair, toxic gas or injections.

Jamahiriyan society guarantees the right to pleas before court and the independence of justice. Each of its members is entitled to a fair and honest trial.

The members of Jamahiriyan society base their judgments on a sacred law: religion or custom, whose provisions are lasting and unalterable, and for which no other law may substitute. They proclaim that religion is absolute faith in the Divinity, and that is a sacred spiritual value. Religion is personal to each one and common to all. It is a direct relationship with the Creator, without any intermediary. Jamahiriyan society proscribes the monopoly of religion as well as its exploitation for purposes of subversion, fanaticism, sectarianism, partisan spirit and fratricidal wars.

Jamahiriyan society guarantees the right of work. This is a right and a duty for and a duty for everyone, within the limits of his own personal efforts or in association with others. Each member of the society is entitled to practice the profession of his choice. Jamahiriyan society is a society of partners and not of wage-earners. Property, which is fruit of much labor, is sacred and protected; it may not be touched save in the public interest and against fair compensation. Jamahiriyan society is free from wage-earning slavery and asserts the right of each worker to his labor and his production. Only he who produces, may consume.

The members of Jamahiriyan society are liberated from any feudalism. Land is the property of no one. Each one has the right to farm it and to derive profit from it through labor, agriculture or breeding during his lifetime and the lives of his heirs, within the limits of his own efforts and the fulfillment of his needs.

The members of Jamahiriyan society are free from any rental fees. A house belongs to the one who dwells in it. It enjoys a sacred immunity, in the respect of neighborhood rights, the rights of your close or faraway neighbors. The dwelling may not be used for purposes harmful to society.

Jamahiriyan society is one of solidarity. It ensures to every one of its members a dignified and prosperous life, it provides them with high quality health care so that it may become a healthy society. And it guarantees the protection and care of childhood, motherhood, old age and of the handicapped. Jamahiriyan society is the guardian of all those without protection.

Instruction and knowledge are natural rights of each and everyone. Any individual is entitled to select his instruction and the knowledge that suits him, without restrictions nor forced guidance.

Jamahiriyan society is a society of the good and noble values. It hold human ideals and principles sacred. It ultimate purpose is a humanitarian society from which aggression, war, exploitation and terrorism will be banished, and where no difference will subsist between the powerful and the powerless. All nations, all peoples and all national communities have the right to live freely, according to their choices and the principles of self-determination. They have the right to establish their national entity. Minorities have the right to safeguard their own entity and heritage. The legitimate aspirations of those minorities cannot be repressed. Minorities may not either be forcefully assimilated within one or several nations or national communities.

The members of Jamahiriyan society affirm the right of everyone to share in the benefits, advantages, values and principles which are the fruit of harmony, cohesion, unity, affinity and affection among the family, the tribe, the nation and mankind. To this end, the members of Jamahiriyan society are working to establish the natural national entity of their nation and support all these who are fighting to achieve this same goal. They reject any and all segregation between men, whether based on color, race, creed and culture.

The members of Jamahiriyan society protect freedom. They defend it throughout the world. They support the oppressed, and incite all peoples to face injustice, oppression, explanation and colonialism. They encourage them to fight imperialist, racism and fascism, in accordance with the principle of the collective struggle of people against the enemies of freedom.

Jamahiriya society is one of splendor and fulfillment. It guarantees everyone the right of thought, of creation and innovation. Jamahiriyan society is working towards the development of sciences, arts and humanities. It ensures their dissemination among the popular masses so as to prevent their monopoly.

The members of Jamahiriyan society affirm the sacred right of man to be born into a cohesive family where motherhood, fatherhood and brotherhood are offered to him. The development of a human being conforms to its own nature only if it is the fruit of natural maternity and nursing. A child must be raised by his mother.

The members of Jamahiriyan society, whether men or women, are equal in every human respect. The distinction of rights between men and women is a flagrant injustice that nothing whatsoever can justfy. The proclaim that marriage is an equitable association between two equal partners. No one may be occurred into a marriage contract, nor divorce except by mutual consent or after a fair judgment. It is unjust to deprive children of their mother and the mother of her home.

The members of Jamahiriyan society consider servants to be the modern age slaves, human beings enslaved by their masters. No law governs their situation and no guarantees or protection are afforded them. They live under the despotism of their master, they are the victims of this tyranny, in order to survive they are compelled by necessity to accomplish work that insults their dignity and their human feelings. In view of this, Jamahiriyan society proscribes the hiring of servants in the homes. A house should be maintained by its owners.

The members of Jamahiriyan society are convinced that peace among nations can ensure them prosperity, abundance and harmony. They call for an end to the arms trade and to their manufacturing for exporting purposes. The arms industry constitutes a squandering of the wealth of societies, an increase of the individual tax burden, a propagation of destruction and annihilations throughout the world.

The members of Jamahiriyan society call for suppression of nuclear, bacteriological and chemical weapons, as well as of any other means of massive extermination and destruction. They call for the elimination of all existing stocks, for the preservation of mankind against the dangers represented by the waste from nuclear power plants.

The members of Jamahiriyan society pledge to protect their society as well as the political system based on popular power. They further pledge to safeguard its values, principles and interests. They regard collective defense as the only means of preserve these. They consider that the defense of their society is the responsibility of each and every citizen, man and woman. None can find a substituted in the face of death.

The members of Jamahiriyan society are committed to the bases laid out by this Charter. They shall not permit that it be violated and they shall refrain from committing any act conflicting with the principles and rights that it guarantees. Each member is entitled to plead his case before a court of law to request legal redress against any violation of the rights and liberties set forth by this Charter.

The members of Jamahiriyan society proudly offer to the world the Green Book, the guide and path towards emancipation and the achievement of freedom. They announce to the popular masses the advent of a New Era from which corrupted regimes will be banished and all traces of tyranny and exploitation eradicated. The People’s General Congress of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Executed in Baida, on 28 Chawal 1397 after the Prophet’s death 12 Assayf/June 1988/

Version: June 2008
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